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They can be very expensive depending on the stone or the size, and yet chips are ready drilled and inexpensive.There are different qualities of semi precious gemstones and color can vary enormously. Following are some examples of popular gemstones:Turquoise is a semi precious gemstone. Turquoise, which has captivated man imagination for centuries. It color ranges from sky blue to green and is a vibrant light blue stone often seen in southwestern Replica Rado Lantano Watches. It is reasonably priced and ethnically Middle Eastern.Amethyst Beads are made from purple, lilac and mauve quartz. The highest quality is transparent. Amethyst is an affordable purple gemstone.Gemstone is an encompassing word used to describe a wide variety of minerals used for beaded Replica Rado Ovation Watches and adornment. Gemstones can be classified as either precious or semi-precious. Replica Rado Original Watches are often treated to enhance durability and/or color.Semi Precious Gemstone Beads come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They are usually polished and faceted, donut-shaped, rough-cut or chips.